This year it is different....
For one I pre-ordered Avatar on bluray from Amazon because I'm a prime customer and get free shipping and the bluray was going for $16.99 when pre-ordered via Amazon. The bonus to all of this was the fact that it showed up at my door step the same day it was released to the stores. I got it on time, cheaper, and didn't have to go anywhere to get it! FTW! (for the win).
So when my homeboy told me that amazon had a special for pre-ordering Madden 11 I figured I should check it out, since I was partially thinking about pre-ordering it from Game Stop again and taking advantage of their special offer for getting it from them. You can pick it up at midnight (I'll probably be sleep), some events get unlocked, and you receive 20,000 coins to use in the game for different game modes.

But then I check Amazon and they tell me if I pre-Order Madden (or any other game you might want, like Halo Reach or Call of Duty: Black Ops) that I will receive a $20 credit towards the next game that I buy. This is a no brainer... I immediately pre-Ordered mine. It will be at my door step August 10th, I'm not paying shipping, and Amazon does an auto price match, so if someone else is selling it for less than $59.12, they will refund you the difference.
Here's the exact wording for the deal:

Amazon aides in the fight to be lazy.
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