Honestly I've loved Charlie Sheen's roles in TV and movies from the beginning, and Two In A Half Men is hit! One of my favorite online DJs, DJ Steve Porter put together two great mixes for you. The first one is a spoof off of his Street Hop with a great shout out to Allen Iverson, but the second one is excellent it feels like a full song just like when Street Hop came out. Enjoy people.
WINNING aka Trump Fires Charlie
Hey everyone. Here's a quick tip that often gets overlooked amidst the madness. Since everyone loves to show off their Android homescreen setup, Let's talk about how to do it if you're not rooted and not running a home replacement. This works for all devices regardless of any home customizations done by the handset maker. Hit the break to follow along.
The first step is setting up the SDK on your computer. We covered that for Windows users in-depth here, so we will touch briefly for you folks running a Mac or Linux.- Make sure you download the correct sdk for your platform.
- Make sure you're up to date with the Java Run Time Envrionment from Sun.
- Mac users: Update this from the Apple menu, Ubuntu users sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre.
1. Plug your phone into your computer and start up the ddms tool. On a Windows machine, you open your SDK\tools folder and double click the icon (see the picture below). On Linux or a Mac, open your terminal in the sdk/tools and enter ./ddms
The Android sdk\tools folder
2. Make sure you select your device from the list in the right pane of the ddms application, then select device -> screen capture from the menu bar. See the picture below.The ddms utility window
3. Grab your phone, set up the image you want to grab, and hit the refresh button (see the image below). When you're satisfied with the results, click save and tell the ddms app where to save it.
The screen capture interface
And that's it! All that's left is to hit the forums and share your screenshots with the world.